Sr. Consultant GI, Laparoscopic, and Bariatric Surgery 

Chairman, Institute of Gastrointestinal Sciences,

Alchemist Hospital, Panchkula, Chandigarh Tricity 

View Dr (Maj Gen) Atul K Sharma AVSM's profile on LinkedIn

Dietary advice

To loose weight one has to persist with a drastic reduction in the intake of carbohydrates, (specially refined sugars) and fats, increase the intake of proteins, and increase the expenditure of energy by regular exercise.

Starving ones self does not work for any length of time and three meals at regular times, eaten slowly is the best method. Avoid snacking between meals, have a good breakfast, moderate lunch and a light dinner.

The foods to avoid are sugars, or anything that contains sugar and fat such as bakery products, ice creams, desserts, fried foods (like pranthe, pakore, puris) pizza and potatoes. Rice can be replaced with two chapattis made of multi grain atta. To fill your stomach one should take lots of fruits (papaya, apples, guava) and green vegetables (cucumber, ghia, laoki, teenda, and tori) and sprouted dal. Milk should be double toned. The protein intake should be increased by taking egg white, grilled / steamed fish or chicken made in small amounts of olive / sunflower oil. Vegetarians can use soya bean dal, nutri nuggets and cottage cheese made from double tone milk.